Safe Deposit
Intervault is pleased to offer you security for your valuables at substantial savings. Did you know that rental fees for your safe deposit box can be tax deductible? Preserve peace of mind by storing your sparkles with us and save up to 80% on insurance premium costs. Here’s a typical breakdown:
Personal jewelry value: $50,000
Typical annual insurance premium ($2 per $100 value): $1,000
Premium if jewelry is at Intervault 75% of the year (60% reduction): $400
Annual safe deposit box for 5” x 10” x 24”: $175
Tax deduction (assuming 35% bracket): $61.25
NET BOX COST: $113.75
NET GAIN TO YOU: $486.25
Don’t risk loss of or damage to your jewelry, gold or gold coins, collectibles, personal records, financial documents, or other precious items! We can meet your secured safekeeping needs and budget, whatever they may be. Our prices haven’t increased in over 20 years! Safe deposit box rental sizes available include:
3” x 5” x 24” • $85/year
5” x 5” x 24” • $125/year
3” x 10” x 24” • $150/year
5” x 10” x 24” • $175/year
5” x 15” x 24” • $235/year
10” x 10” x 24” • $275/year
15” x 15” x 24” • 700/year
30” x 15” x 24” • $1,300/year
Large items • contact for a customized quote
High security bulk storage is available for larger items that do not fit into a safe deposit box such as paintings, statues, or silver service. Anonymity is available upon request to protect your privacy. If you need afterhours access, 24-hour access is available by appointment for your convenience and security. If you’re traveling with valuables and would like a security escort, contact us and we can arrange services for your safety.
Call or visit for current pricing options or to reserve your safe deposit storage space today!