Don’t Let a Disaster Sideline Your Business

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A startling number of businesses that experience a disaster—a catastrophic fire, flood, hurricane, tornado, or earthquake—never recover. Don’t let this happen to your business! Prepare a backup plan so you can recover your business and customer data easily and get your operation up and running again quickly. Intervault is a high-security firm providing the ultimate in vault storage systems for commercial customers.

Executives of companies must devise a disaster recovery program to provide the means for restoring operations after a disaster strikes. The simplest way to significantly reduce these risks is to protect and maintain critical data (whether it be electronic or paper) at a backup location. Intervault is designed and committed to providing total security for these commercial valuables.

In putting together a disaster recovery plan, executives should keep in mind some of the different types of disasters that could occur and affect their normal business routines. Natural disasters such as floods, fires, windstorms, rainstorms and lightning should be planned for. Man-made disasters include riots, strikes, industrial accidents, loss of electric power, computer fraud, internal theft and vandalism, and could affect a company’s operations.

With its best-in-class security systems, Intervault provides protection against all types of disasters. The nucleus of this system includes: halon gas fire protection, around-the-clock security, 9R-rated bank vault, highly accurate temperature and humidity controls, closed-circuit television monitoring, motion detectors, bullet-resistant glass on doors and windows, and electronically-sealing doors utilizing mantrap area access. Intervault’s entire security system has two backup systems: a battery backup and a gas generator.

Convenient courier services at reasonable rates are offered along with records storage. If you need any of your company records in the middle of the night, all you have to do is call for delivery or come to Intervault yourself and pick them up.

If you have even the slightest doubt about the total security of your business valuables or records, the staff and management of Intervault welcome your inspection of the facility.


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